A demanding, realistic activity in complex project planning – nothing less than getting to the South Pole and back. Culminates in persuasive presentations to the sponsors. A great challenge based on a real expedition which lends great credibility and excitement to the exercise.
Teams start with just a letter congratulating them on mounting an expedition to the South Pole. The next step is brainstorming to draw up a shortlist of data required and to submit it as written requests to the Databank (controlled by the Trainer). The Databank opens only at intervals – which helps to focus team thinking. Requests at further openings are always more fruitful as teams gain more understanding of what the expedition entails.
Gradually plans are fleshed out: weather windows, dates, distances, speeds, getting to Antarctica, base camp, skidoos, sledges, food, kit lists, back-up plane, fuel dumps, etc … through to a completion date!
Finally, with the full plan and full costs in place, teams, in competition with each other, prepare persuasive presentations to deliver to their ‘potential sponsors’.
Suitable for groups of all sizes (Teams of 3-6)